I have been in business for a little over a year and I have had so much success, but I always want MORE. I want to be somebody, I want people to look up to my work, look up to my successes, look up to ME! My motto that I have had put on a thumb ring simply reads, "Inspire. Be inspired." and that can sum it all up in three words!
I want to reach people around the globe, not just those in the Tulsa metro area. I want the option to meet new people with every vacation I take, every workshop I attend, every road trip I go on. What better way than social media? This week has brought about a new FACEBOOK.....a new TWITTER.... and of course a new BLOG!
I would not be where I am without referrals and word of mouth. For this, I have YOU to thank and I truly appreciate every kind word, every shout out, every media share, every picture framed.....EVERYTHING!
There are so many new and exciting things coming and I can't wait to share even more with you, but until then, sit back and hold on because this is sure to be one exciting journey!
My inspirations, my reason for working so hard, 2/3 of my heart and 100% of my world. These are my crazy, silly, beautiful, energetic, loving children! When you wonder why I am always up so late at night working, it is because I try my best to do the most work when these precious babies are sound asleep so that I can spend as much time as possible with them! They are truly my everything!
This is Deana with "The Sugarplum Bow-tique" in case you're wondering who's this posting all the time lol.... But I hope if you ever make a Vacation to NC OR Close to VA... We can definitely hook up for a photoshoot.. OR if I ever get over to OK... :-) You never know, but if were close EVER... I want to work with you!! and You do INSPIRE Already!! I Love your work! and Strive to become as good as you have in such a short time!! YOU ROCK!! And "The Sugarplum Bow-tique" is always willing to work with you whenever you need anything for a themed shoot or for just your darling baby girl and family :-)