Thursday, December 20, 2012

This is the end......

Here I sit, five days before Christmas, eleven days before the New Year and a little over a year into a full time career that I would have never dreamed possible.  By now, you have all heard about my journey through life and pretty much know how I got to where I I will spare you the details AGAIN!

As I type this post, I am looking down at my calendar for the past year in amazement.  I am amazed that so many people follow what I do.  I am amazed that I get to meet beautiful people every single day.  I am amazed I can help support my family doing what I love.  I am amazed that you choose little ole me to preserve your families memories.  One word can sum up how I feel........BLESSED.

The photography community has grown leaps and bounds and over the last year I have been so honored to talk to and work with some of the most amazing people in my field.  I have developed friendships that will last a lifetime and working relationships that will be cherished forever.  A year ago, I was scared.  Scared of what I was going to do.  Scared of how my work compared to others.  Scared of how I was going to get to where I want to be.  

I am still so far from where I dream of being, but now I am inspired.  Inspired by the kind words of others.  Inspired by other photographers.  Inspired by the person I have become and will continue to be.  Inspired by YOU.

YOU have brought me here.  I am simply a passenger on your plane and you are flying me there.  Without YOU, I wouldn't have the encouragement to continue on or the passion to keep reaching for my dreams and for that, I wholeheartedly THANK YOU.

With all this being said, I want to fill you in on things to come in 2013!  Next year I plan on making a schedule......and sticking to it!  I will be taking Fridays and Saturdays off to spend with my family, with the exception of previously booked sessions or events that I schedule per my agenda.  I will be making a new blog post for each and every session I do as well as a blog post every Tuesday with random subjects :)  I will be more on top of emails and messages and will be creating an auto response for non-business hours so that you are at least in the loop of what is going on.  

I figure if I put it all down on here, I will be more apt to stick to it, right?  

Also, as far as my business goes, I will now be a member of the PPA {{Professional Photographers of America}} and PPOK {{Professional Photographers of Oklahoma}}.  In the next year, I will be attending several new workshops as well as taking part in a few collaborations with some amazing photographer friends.

New things for NRP start NOW and I am so excited to see what the next year will bring!

I love you all and can't wait to see where we will go in 2013....together!

This is the end of 2012 and the beginning of a beautiful life!!!

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